Saturday, March 26, 2011

Vector Art

Vector art has become something I love doing. Ever since I've taught myself Illustrator I've become so attached to this program. I'm still learning as I go and I can't get enough. 

As you may have noticed I've been creating a lot of designs for t-shirts. Mmm, I do get obessed easily! :(

Well anyway, I would like to share some of my designs. I hope you like them! :)

HillBilly Sunrise

Description: I originally had a design that I submitted to Threadless, however it was rejected as they seemed it needed some refining of the design. It had a line of lions with a zebra in the middle being a douche. At the top of the design there was a yellow circle depicting the sun (no, GTFO serious?). Well I thought I would upload my image to deviant art so I decided to make a face on the sun. My boyfriend came into the room and said 'DERP!' I had a cute face on the screen and so because of this said 'derp' I was inspired and decided to design the sun in a more 'Southern American hillbilly' look.

As for the hills, I just wanted them to be sad that the hillbilly sun is rising once again which makes their mornings unbearable. 'OMG, he's coming again!'.... 'HERP A DERP!'

Narwhal, Narwhal, Unicorn?

blub blub blub!
Description: Originally the unicorn was underwater snorkelling stabbing a swordfish thinking, 'how the fuck did I get here?' It was a drawing I was trumping another member of Very Serious forums in the 'draw something in MS paint' thread (my most favouritest thread in the world).
"Shanky the Swordfish" Drawn by Genia
"Shanky's death" Drawn by Unihorse (me)

I grew to actually really liking the way I drew the unicorn and decided to redaw it in illustrator and come up with the idea of the unicorn thinking about being a Narwhal.

I posted the design on threadless thinking it would do okay, but it only made the 24 hours and was taken off voting early as it didn't have the best rating. How unfortunate...

Finally I came to thinking that people might like the unicorn swimming with a pod of his brother (from another mother) the Narwhal. I went with a 3 to 4 colour print colours and actually submitted it to Teefury as well. *crosses fingers*

You can also see it on my deviant art account here.

Eye Heart Ewe

I love you.
Description:It began with a plank of wood with a nail leaning against a rock to make the 'I' but I looked at it and thought it had nothing to really do with the image. I replaced it with a cut little eyeball with a green iris (I thought the green helped with taking away some of the focus from the heart so you look at it second after looking at the heart). I don't really know how I came up with it but I don't mind it, the ewe's face it quite derp.

Undead Unicorn Attack

Description: I hadn't created a fanart in some time and I felt like going with a Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare crossed with Robot Unicorn Attack piece. Having John Marston riding a unicorn is amazing in the game, but the unicorn lacked rainbows (needs rainbow hair like Robot Unicorn). I kept the butterflies from RDR:UN because they're pretty. I like pretty things. 

I thought instead of the star it can be a silhouette of a zombie and they're getting ready to blast through the zombie. ^_^
I [FEZ] Black Ops
Description: I designed it for a friend. I actually haven't played COD: Black Ops yet. *Slaps wrist* shame on me! I would assume his persona image is a fez, but that's just a guess. ANYWAY, I'm not sure if I can submit this as a threadless image, I would assume it would breach copywrite laws or some shit.  I might go somewhere else and post it on Cafe press or whatever the hell that site is.... google will help me. :D

Saturday, March 19, 2011

MajesticShark Vs RegalOctopus

A design that I first drew it MS Paint. See the original below;

The story behind this picture is;

- I was bored at work and I didn't have Photoshop at the time. (I find it easier to draw in MS with the mouse anyway, less mistakes!)
- I watched Mega Shark VS Giant Octopus the night before and though it was a pretty awful movie.  The best part was when the shark jumped up at the plane. So realistic! Shut up, it really happened!

- I already had an octopus character (BELVIDERE!!!) and he is rather regal so why not use him in some way! :D

Well I've submitted a few t-shirt designs to Threadless and though I might redraw this in Illustrator... So I did. 

I've submitted it to Threadless as a critique, only because the last time I submitted something they rejected it and said, "next time you should critique because your design needs more work, jackass." (say what?)

Righto! Well this if the design below, let me know what you think! should I submit it straight away or does it need some work?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Awards and Sheep

What a lovely surprise! Thank you Smiles are like..  and SoDak Idiolect for the awards. I know I haven't been posting much lately but its people like you guys that make me want to post more things! <3

Since there are rules for this awarding thing, I've listed them here, and also answered them as I went along;

1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded this to you
Done :)

2. Share 7 things about yourself.
If you insist... There are many things about myself that aren't that interesting. Not sure what to say...
I love my job. I work in the promotional product industry, if I'm lucky I create a new logo for a company which is so much fun,
I love to draw and create stories, which is pretty obvious *stares at blog* DERP!
I love to play video games. It releases stress and makes me happy!
I wouldn't say I'm very social, which is sad because I would like to be. 
I suffer from anxiety attacks which are triggered from vomiting *thumbs up*
Ten pin bowling is one of my favourite sports to play. Weird sport, yo.
I love guinea pigs, I had 2, but 1 died yesterday, her name was Olivia and she was adorable. RIP <3

3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers. 
Unfortunately I haven't got time to go through. I haven't got many followers. So I have listed the 2 people that awarded me and it made my day. Thank you so much :)

I would also like to make a special mention to Alone In forks due to them being so great to me. If you're a Twilight fan or would love to visit Forks I suggest buying the app for the ipad or iphone. Amazing pictures ^^ 

4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award. 
Oakie Dokes!


On a side note, since I'm posting. I've read up on a few news reports recently on (uh oh, I feel a rant coming on)... I'm talking about Political Correctness, it's something that has been pissing me off for quite some time now.
The classic nursery rhyme 'Bah bah black sheep' will be changed to 'Bah bah rainbow sheep' now I'm all up for rainbow coloured whatever, but teaching children rainbow sheep instead of black sheep is ridiculous. You can read the article here >> LINK <<

Think back to, lets say, grade 2, the teacher is rehearsing 'Bah bah black sheep'. Did you ever think 'hey, that sheep is black, I feel offended by this!' No you didn't because you're there singing along with the teacher or sitting there not paying attention because school is for squares. Kids don't care about this crap. Seriously. 

So in dedication to my hatered for politically correct things. I have drawn a picture.Enjoy!

My bags bring all the sheep to the yard, and there like ' >_> '