Saturday, September 17, 2011

Sketch Club

Before I begin, I would just like to warn you. If you have an iphone/ipod/ipad and haven't got the sketch club app and after reading this you think "hey, I think I'll check it out and download it" - just be pepared to be completely addicted and lose touch with reality. You have been warned.

OK! HELLO, it's been a while hasn't it. Yeah, I get lazy and bored when it comes to updating blogs. But, I think this post will explain a lot and why I've been neglecting everything...

Who's up for a story?? oh oh pick me!!... Oh alright, gather around my lovelies, it's time to hear how my life (as The Prince from Bel-Air would put it) flip-turned upside down!

Nik Nak and the App

Once upon a time there was a unihorse named Nik Nak and she seems to get board quite easily. One boring night in particular, Nik Nak was browsing the app store when she came across something that looked rather neat.

Was it the sketch club app?...

Oi, shut up. I'm telling story, I'm getting to it!

As I was saying. Nik Nak doesn't usually purchase apps because she's a cheap ass, but after seeing that there's a social club which people can see the artwork you upload, well she was indeed sold. "SOUNDS GOOD!" she screamed as she tapped the button to purchase said app.

This story's booooring.

If you don't want to listen then go outside and play with the traffic!... Hey! get back here!

Bloody hell

Right where was I? Err.... The end.

Happy now, you ruined the ending!


Anyway, for people that might care. SKETCH CLUB! What an app! This is possibly my most favouritest app in the entire world. The people are amazing and they give you so much encouragment!

If you haven't seen or bought the app, I would whole heartly recommend it. My account is - Unihorse

I'll post a few artworks I've created. Enjoy! :D

Drawings created on iPhone

 Drawings created on iPad